Summer in Japan means festivals and fireworks. Most cities and towns across Japan have their own summer festivals and fireworks show. People make a day of it, getting the best spots early and having a picnic, buying food from the numerous yatai, street stalls and washing it down with plenty of beer.
You can see people wearing the brightly coloured yukata, a Japanese summer-style kimono, getting on trains, walking the streets and visiting purikura, print club machines.
Hyogo Prefecture have plenty of fireworks displays in July & August. Here is our list, ordered by date, of the top 10 displays in the prefecture.

The 14th Awaji City Summer Festival
When: Saturday 20 July
Fireworks Time: 20:00 ~ 20:30
This fireworks show launched off the coast of the Akashi Kaikyo National Park can be seen from certain parts of Akashi and Maiko/Tarumi areas of Kobe.
Visit the official website: 淡路市ホームページ
The 41st Ashiya Summer Carnival
Ashiya Dancing Fireworks Show
When: Saturday 27 July
Fireworks Time: 19:45 ~ 20:30
The Ashiya Summer Carnival and fireworks show is one of the most popular in the area. The lively carnival runs from 1pm to 9pm.
Visit the official website: 芦屋市民まつり協議会ホームページ
The 41st Himeji Minato Festival & Maritime Fireworks Show
Special 60th Anniversary of Himeji Port Opening
When: Saturday 27 July
Fireworks Time: 19:30 ~ 20:45
This year the Himeji celebrates its 60th anniversary since the opening of its port. To celebrate a special display of about 6000 fireworks, the largest ever for Himeji, will take place.
Visit the official website: 姫路市ホームページ

The 41st Keino Matsubara Fireworks Display
When: Saturday 27 July
Fireworks Time: 20:00 ~ 20:45
Enjoy watching fireworks form the sandy Keino Matsubara beach in Minami Awaji . This scenic spot will have over 3000 fireworks light up the sea and sky.
Visit the official website: 慶野松原花火大会
Tatsuno City Shingu Fureai Festival & Fireworks Show
When: Saturday 27 July
Fireworks Time: 20:00 ~ 20:40
Enjoy the Sumer festival from 4pm and watch around 2000 fireworks light up Tatsuno city from 8pm.
Visit the official website: 納涼ふれあいまつり&花火大会
The 49th Minato Kobe Fireworks Festival

When: Saturday 3 August
Fireworks Time: 19:30 ~ 20:30
The Kobe Minato Fireworks light up the whole bay. You can get a great view from Meriken Park, Harborland, Port Island and even from view points on Mt Rokko.
Visit the official website: みなとこうべ海上花火大会ホームページ
The 41st Sanda Festival & Fireworks Show
When: Saturday 3 August
Fireworks Time: 20:00 ~ 20:30
The Sanda Summer Festival kicks off at 4pm with Bon-dori dances, taiko drums and other performances before finishing with 2500 fireworks display.
Visit the official website: 三田市ホームページ

The 48th Kakogawa Festival & Fireworks Display
When: Sunday 4 August
Fireworks Time: 19:30 ~ 20:30
Around 5000 fireworks are launched from Kakogawa River to light up the night sky.
Visit the official website: 加古川まつりホームページ
The 72nd Awaji Island Festival & Fireworks
When: Sunday 4 August
Fireworks Time: 20:00 ~ 20:50
The Awaji Island Matsuri is a 3 day long event from Friday 2 August through to the fireworks show off the coast of Sumoto on Sunday 4th August. This is Hyogo Prefecture’s longest running fireworks festival.
Visit the official website: 淡路島まつりホームページ

The 39th Itami Fireworks Display
When: Saturday 24 August
Fireworks Time: 19:30 ~ 20:30
One of the final fireworks display for the summer happens in Itami on the along the Ina River. This hour long display attracts around 70,000 people every year.
Visit the official website: 伊丹市ホームページ
Thanks for reading our top 10 firework displays in Hyogo. Did we miss anything?
NB: Due to the weather the above information might change. Please check the official links for more information. Unfortunately, most of these websites are in Japanese only.
The map locations are an approximate point of where the fireworks will be launched from.