We are now only 100 days out until the Rugby World Cup kicks off in Japan on September 20th.
To mark the 100 days countdown there are a couple of events happening in Kobe on Saturday June 15th . The main event is at Harborland Space Theatre and a Rugby Fun Zone is at Duo Kobe Dom, both south of JR Kobe Station.

The main event will feature performances by the FANTASTICS Steel Orchaster group, KOBerrieS girls group and talks by former rugby player and tornamanet representative Takeomi Ito.
Booths will be set up to challenge your rugby skills, sales of official Rugby World Cup merchandise, major sponsor Heinekin beer will have a stall and a bingo games played with RWC prizes.
Date: Saturday June 15th
Time: 11am – 5pm
Where: Kobe Harborland Space Theatre

4 matches played in Kobe;
- 26 Sept – England v USA
- 30 Sept – Scotland v Samoa
- 3 Oct – Ireland v Russia
- 8 Oct – South Africa v Canada

『ラグビーワールドカップ 2019™ 日本大会開幕100日前イベント in 神戸』
Original information here: http://kisspress.jp/articles/22808/ (Japanese) and here https://www.2019kobe.com/en/news/20190605_01/ (English).